What I'm about to tell you about is my experience in cross country two weeks ago. If you like it or find a mistake or have tips for me please comment.
We were waiting for the year 8s to be called for the line up at the start line. In the mean time the year 8s are playing with a cargo net launching people into the air soaring and then back down onto the high jump mat.
The whistle blew all the year 8s went out of the hall.
We went to the start line and were told to leave in groups. The first group was the fastest runners, the second group was the medium runners and the last group was the slowest runners. The whistle blew 3 times away we went we ran a block run and then up the first hill.
I get over the first hill, I rest on my way down, then I attacked the next hill. tired, I did my technique that is extending my stride that keeps me at the same pace as normal but allows me to rest as well.
halfway through the race I get a stitch like everyone does. I make it to the last hill.
I make it over the last hill. I use my technique to sprint down the last hill I run round the corner through the tunnel and down the path. I see the finish, I sprint with the energy I had left to make sure that anyone that was behind me would stay behind me.
Legs herting, heart pounding, I was so proud of my self that I beat my last score.
My dad and Mr O'c come to me. "You done a far better job than last year." Mr O'c said. My dad was very proud of me. While Mr O'c and my dad talk I went to get a drink and get my number recorded.
After my dad and I had a talk, my dad went home and Iwent back to class for some free time.